Friday, May 11, 2007

What I took in

I learned so many things on the trip and was exposed to so many diffrent types of people, but there were a few main things that have impacted me the most. One of the things that impacted me was seeing how the organization ran. There are so many diffrent ideas like have longterm people and short term people and having point people for all of the diffrent projects. I also was really excited with the ways they managed to encorporate the community into the organization . This involvment brought a whole new aspect of learning and experience to the event. It was so good to be exposed to many diffrent types of people from all over the country and learning from their wisdom. I also learned alot more about things that are out there in the world in this same catagory. The last thing that I will talk about is getting out of my comfort zone. I got frustrated many times doing many tasks that I do not know how to do (ie cooking), and it was good for me to just stop for a moment be like "this is not something that is a long term inability, it is just something thing that I am not yet good at." After continually telling myself this, it really brightened my mood and I continued on learning. It was a great experience and I see it as the beginning of much more volunteering to come.

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